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Shoot the Teacher

  1. Get the code for a simple javascript game.  In this example 'rocket blaster has been used.
    click inside this box, select all, copy the code, follow the instructions to install.
    click here to download the images (zip file)
    select & copy

    *Alternatively: Get the game code » here from the javascript source.
    *Many more game codes are available from this site:

  2. Follow the instructions that come with the game code.  Paste the necessary codes into the relevant sections of your web page. 
  3. Create new images in a graphics editor and save them to the images folder used by the game.  Name the image files to the same names as the original images. (e.g. rocket.gif).  When prompted to overwrite the orginal image files, choose yes.
  4. That's it!  Of course, your images must be similar in size to the original images or they won't display properly.  This technique can be applied to any game that uses images, and also other items such as web templates.  Much easier than modifying code.
  5. » CLICK HERE to play 'shoot the teacher'