About the Logo
using a slice of lime as my logo as many people seem to have trouble with the
name 'Liam'. I get Lime, Laim, and even Liama from desperate guys in chat
rooms hoping I'm a girl.
The information below relates to the old logo. I'm keeping it for now as a piece of history. My wife encouraged me to change it becuase she thought it looked like a logo for a fish and chip shop.
The coils of rope which frame the (old) liamalexander logo are supposed to represent
the gordian knot.
The story goes that at the ancient Phrygian capital of Gordium,
Alexander "undid" the hitherto unsolvable Gordian Knot,
a feat said to await the future "king of Asia." According to the most vivid story,
Alexander proclaimed that it did not matter how the knot was undone, and he hacked it apart with his sword.
Another version claims that he did not use the sword, but simply realized that the
simplest way to undo the knot was to simply remove a central peg from the chariot
around which the knot was tied.
*Any comparison between Liam Alexander and Alexander the Great is very much
tongue in cheek, nor does he wish to be king of Asia. In fact, Liam is not
even Greek, but the similarity in the names makes for a nice theme. The
relevance in terms of technology is that the simplest solution is usually the
best, however elusive it might be; in the manner of
Okham's Razor:
"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", or "entities should
not be multiplied beyond necessity" (often paraphrased as "All other things
being equal, the simplest solution is the best"). The 'rope' was made in
photoshop. You can achieve this effect by following
The octopus
was added because it looks good and is suitably ancient Greek.
(From the
octopus vase: ok, it's actually late Minoan from
Crete, but
that's close enough...). The tentacles of the octopus can be seen as
representing the many arms of the world wide web.
The background image is a section of the west frieze of the Parthenon. Again, this is not absolutely accurate as Alexander the Great was from Macedonia, not Athens, but still, it hopefully captures the spirit of the age.